About Us » Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

This is your Opportunity!

Our mission is to empower each child to grow and become a well-rounded citizen because every child's future counts.
To achieve our mission, we envision the following: 
  • Students attend school daily and arrive to class on time prepared and motivated to work. Individual students strive toward a personal standard of excellence. 
  • Staff are knowledgeable about current educational practices, are committed to, and are excited about their jobs. Our staff treats everyone with dignity and respect by valuing individual perspectives and cultural diversity. Collaboration is evident through team meetings and planning sessions where each member contributes to the overall team. 
  • Families place a high value on education by speaking positively about school and staff with their children.  Parents foster their children's growth and learning by partnering with our school community and ensuring that their children attend school daily. 
We believe Opportunity promotes maximum student achievement, therefore Opportunity staff will: 
  • Promote high expectations for academics and behavior
  • Foster an environment where students are engaged in their learning
  • Provide a safe and welcoming climate that fosters a sense of belonging for all 
  • Work in close partnership with families and community
  • Encourage students to set goals that connect their learning and behavior to their future
  • Collaborate to improve instruction, and promote and celebrate diversity